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Japanese eel

(Anguilla japonica)


Category: Fish



Like all eels in this genus, Japanese eels are catadromous, spending part of their life cycle in freshwater but spawning at sea. Adult eels migrate thousands of miles (without eating!) from the ocean to their freshwater spawning grounds during the breeding season. In Japan, they are called “unagi” and are a very important part of the food culture.



Data & Facts

Scientific Classification
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Actinopterygii
Order - Anguilliformes
Family - Anguillidae
Genus - Anguilla
Species - A. japonica

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The fish that could drown (and other amazing tales)

Fish are masters of aquatic living, though some manage to do pretty well on land, too! Of living species, the mudskipper is probably the best adapted to life out of water - in fact, a mudskipper will drown if it can’t periodically come to the surface! This unusual fish uses its powerful, almost leg-like fins to walk on land and can even use them to “skip” up to 2 feet in the air! Similar to many amphibians, the mudskipper is able to breathe through its skin and the linings of its mouth and throat. It also seals water in its gill chambers when it leaves the water for extended stays on the land, much like a scuba diver brings air with them!-

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