Category: Birds
The superior vocal abilities of these starling relatives make them popular as pets - they are able to reproduce everyday sounds, and even the human voice, with amazing clarity and accuracy. In the wild, they inhabit the hill regions of South Asia and Southeast Asia. The dialects of wild populations of these birds vary so rapidly with distance that birds living more than 9-10 miles away from each other may have no call-types in common with each other.
A Truly Amazing Race…
Many species of birds migrate when the weather changes, but some species take their journeys to extremes. The Arctic tern tops this list: it flies from the Arctic to Antarctic and back again every year of its life! In 2013, scientists tracked Arctic terns nesting in the Netherlands and discovered that they flew 56,000 miles per year! With a lifespan of approximately 30 years, this means these birds fly over 1.5 million miles over the course of their lives! Because the distance they migrate is so enormous, they don’t just get better weather and more abundant food each year, they get more daylight than any other animal on the planet!
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