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Nile Crocodile

(Crocodylus niloticus)


Category: Reptiles



The Nile crocodile is the second largest crocodile in the world, after the saltwater crocodile and is widespread throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. They have thick, scaly, heavily armored skin, and are aggressive apex predators capable of overtaking almost any prey they can get hold of. This crocodile is an ambush predator that is willing to wait days and even weeks for the right moment to attack.




Data & Facts

Scientific Classification
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Sauropsida
Order - Crocodilia
Family - Crocodylidae
Genus - Crocodylus
Species - C. niloticus

Did you know?
Interesting Animal Facts

The not-a-snake

The slow worm has a long body, lacks limbs, and is covered in lustrous scales - so is it a snake? No, it is a lizard! Because unlike snakes, the slow worm has eyelids, visible ears, and like many lizards, its tail can break off in the mouth of a predator, allowing them to escape for another day. The slow worm belongs to the Anguidae family, and similarly (but independently) lost their limbs to better adapt to their environments. These “not-snakes” can be found in gardens throughout Europe and the UK, helping to control the population of slugs and other pests, though you probably won’t see any if you have a cat: a slow worm will likely prove a favorite food of your cat!

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