Home > Animals > Amphibians > Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad

Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad

(Bombina orientalis)


Category: Amphibians



Actually a type of frog, these brightly colored, semi-aquatic species are found in Korea, northeastern China, and adjacent parts of Russia. When threatened, they may roll on their backs to display their bright orange stomachs – giving predators a chance to avoid eating a poisonous meal. They are popular pets due to their attractive looks and ease of care, but should be handled sparingly to avoid contact with their toxin.




Data & Facts

Scientific Classification
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Amphibia
Order - Anura
Family - Bombinatoridae
Genus - Bombina
Species - B. orientalis

Did you know?
Interesting Animal Facts

Make sure you retract your eyes 30 times before swallowing!

It has long been known that Frogs retract their eyes and close them while eating, leading scientists to suspect that frogs use their eyes to help them swallow. This suspicion was finally confirmed in 2004, when the northern leopard frog was observed by scientists retracting its eyes while swallowing crickets, actually using them to help push the food toward its esophagus!

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