Category: Fish
This common species is one of the most familiar species of the Squalidae family. It is found nearly worldwide and tends to inhabit shallow, temperate waters. It is a commercially valuable species and is a popular food in many parts of the world. Dogfish and their byproducts are also used for fertilizer, liver oil, dissection specimens, and pet food – unfortunately, this popularity has led to major declines in dogfish population due to unsustainable fishing practices.
Undersea Conversations…
While it isn’t obvious, fish have ears, and are able to communicate to one another through sounds. They don’t have vocal chords, but instead vibrate their swim bladders, producing popping, grunting, moaning, barking, or chirping noises. While some species of fish, like the goldfish, are silent listeners, there are over 1000 species that are known to vocalize, and some, like the gurnard who are veritable chatterboxes. While we can’t have a conversation with them - at least not yet - it is theorized that they do it to attract mates, frighten away predators or competitors, to synchronize mating, call for help and warn others, or to orient themselves.
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