The “Westie”, originally known as the Poltallach Terrier was developed in Scotland. Like most terriers, he boasts a confident and jovial temperament and is a lively and affectionate companion. Consequently, and also due to their portable size and agreeable nature, Westies are popular breed. They’re the whole package: personality, intelligence, and good looks! Whether you’re touring the country in your RV, competing in canine agility, or exploring your neighborhood, your Westie wants to be your devoted sidekick. Just make sure your keep their striking double coat maintained with daily brushing and regular grooming.
Each AKC approved purebred breed has its own national club. The mission of these “parent breed clubs” is to improve and preserve a particular breed by advancing knowledge about its history, its health and care requirements and by assuring that the breed’s form and function remain true to its historical physical type and character: A Dalmatian, for instance, should be athletic and have a natural affinity for working with horses. A Fox Terrier should have the right body size and shape, and a drive to go after vermin.
Pet owners, breeders, trainers, veterinarians, and others with a special love for a breed, join the parent breed club to meet like-minded enthusiasts and to support the club’s mission.
The national parent breed club is the first place for the public to go to learn about a breed or find a knowledgeable, experienced breeder.