Cherish, Nurture,
Protect & Preserve!


  • Dog

  • Toucan

  • Bengal Tiger

  • Lion Fish

  • Pelican

  • Axolotl

  • British Shorthair


Aquariums, Zoos, Hobbyists Working to Conserve and Restore Coral Reefs
Published: 02/23/2023
Some zoos and aquariums are conducting research to identify strains of corals and genes that may be more impervious to environmental stressors and disease. Others, such as…

Documentary Showcases Aquarium Trade Impacts on Rainforest Conservation
Published: 12/28/2020
The Amazon Rainforest is well known for its biodiversity as well as the many threats facing the ecosystem. Included in its native fauna are many species of bright and colorful…

The Asian Giant Hornet
Published: 05/5/2020
By now you have likely heard that a hornet of unusual size has invaded coastal Canada and northwest Washington state. Dubbed the "murder hornet," this colossal six-legger…

A Window into Bird Song
Published: 10/21/2019
There is a mistaken belief that humans are so unique that research on animal models cannot apply to humans. Yet, science asks many questions that cannot be pursued with research…

What's a breed?

Dogs became breeds because their behavior, size, shape, speed and other traits made them ideal for a particular kind of work that helped people. Along the way, hunters bred the best hunting dogs each other...

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